Posting Rules
You are not allowed to swear. What is and is not a swear is up to the Moderators. Some inappropriate words are automatically censored; if a member of the Moderators notices a censor in use, this will still count as breaking the no-swearing rule and you will receive an official warning. Images containing swears count as swearing as well.
You are not allowed to post inappropriate content. This includes images. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may receive an immediate and permanent ban. The level of severity is decided by the OotM.
You may not post spam. Spam includes (but is not limited to) the following:
posts containing only smileys
posts containing only one word
posts which do not pertain to the topic (off-topic posts)
posts in all-caps
posts in chat speak
meaningless posts
The Moderators can delete spam posts and does not need to notify the poster.
Double posting is not allowed. If you wish to add something, you can use the "edit" button to edit your previous post. You can find the "edit" button to the top right of all of your posts.
Flaming and trolling are not allowed. Joking around is not the same as trolling.
If you feel like you are being flamed/attacked/trolled, please report this to a moderator as soon as possible. If we don't know about it, we can't do anything about it!
Fights have no place on the forum. Handle them through Personal Message or (preferably) via a messaging system which has nothing to do with PFF.
If a forum section has specific rules, you are expected to follow them in addition to these rules. Failure to do so may result in official warnings.
If a topic has specific rules, you are expected to follow those as well.
If you wish to quote a post containing many or large images, please remove the images from the quote. They have been posted once before; there is no need to have them appear in another post as well.
Do not quote posts with a large amount of text. If you wish to quote a part of it, please only quote that part and remove all the rest from the quote.
Posts should be written in English.